Our Weavers

Bubul Das

Meet Bubul Das, a master weaver with fourteen years of experience. With a lifetime of dedication to his craft, Bubul intricately blends tradition and innovation, weaving tales of heritage into every textile masterpiece.

Bijoy Gogoi

Meet Bijoy Gogoi, an artisan with eleven years of weaving mastery. With a deep-rooted passion for his craft, Bijoy intricately intertwines threads of tradition and innovation, crafting timeless textiles.

Dhiren sonowal

Meet Dhiren Sonowal, an accomplished weaver with eight years of experience. With skillful hands and a passion for his craft, Dhiren intricately weaves together tradition and innovation, creating textiles that embody timeless beauty.

Abhik deka

Introducing Abhik Deka, a skilled weaver at just 30 years old, boasting six years of experience. With a blend of youthful enthusiasm and seasoned expertise, Abhik intricately intertwines threads of tradition and creativity, crafting textiles that mesmerize

Horen Gogoi

Meet Horen Gogoi, a skilled weaver with six years of experience. Through his adept hands and creative vision, he intertwines threads of tradition and innovation, crafting timeless pieces that tell stories.

Jadob Kalita

Meet Jadob Kalita, a veteran artisan with twelve years of weaving expertise. With meticulous craftsmanship and a deep understanding of tradition, he intricately intertwines threads to create masterpieces that resonate with heritage.

Nitul Deka

Meet Nitul Deka, a skilled weaver with a decade of experience. With adept hands and a passion for his craft, he weaves stories into every fabric, embodying tradition and creativity

Manoj Borah

Introducing Manoj Borah, a talented weaver with five years of experience. With dedication and creativity, he transforms threads into intricate designs, blending tradition with innovation in every masterpiece he creates

Jagat Saikia

Meet Jagat Saikia, a young weaver with four years of experience. With a blend of youthful energy and honed skills, he intricately crafts textiles, infusing each piece with a fresh perspective and timeless artistry